Monday, 30 July 2012

Homework Challenge - Week 3

Last week our school got given some fruit trees. Mr Malcolm came to help us plant them. Hopefully by the time we are in room 3 and 4, we will be able to eat some fruit from these trees!

Children, your homework challenge is to try and remember (or find out) what kind of fruit trees they were. When you know them or some of them, tell your Mum and Dad so that they can write your answer in the form of a comment.


  1. Alyssa says - there were fejoas and peaches...yum!

  2. Wow, Room 1, planting new trees for your school looks exciting. We can't wait to see pictures of them when they grow. I bet the fruit will be yummy! You are welcome to pop in on our blog and see what we have been doing at our school in Auckland. We are a class of 5 year olds and our blog address is
    We look forward to your visit!
    Love Mrs Prout and Room 2

  3. Hi Mrs Prout! Thanks for your comment! :D We tried going onto your blog but it didn't work! Is the address all correct?

    1. I think it should be :)
      Mrs Gibson

    2. You're right Mrs Gibson! :D Thanks!

  4. Hi Room 1 and miss Mansell.It was fun planting trees with you guys last week.The photos turned out good. Keep up the good work.Mr Malcolm.

  5. Isaiah tells me there were Apple trees planted and Peach trees and Fejoia trees planted and I cant remember the others. :)
