Thursday, 4 August 2011

The Three Little Pigs

Discovery this week was inspired by the story of The Three Little Pigs. Mrs Hough found a great clip on YouTube and we built our own houses from lego, wood, PMP equipment, rulers, fabric, cardboard and wallpaper. We had tons of fun. Here is the clip and some photos of us in action.


  1. Wow! Looks like you all had fun! It's amazing what you can make out of "stuff we chuck out" aye room 1 and 2? - Miss Mansell

  2. We really liked your video, it was cool and funny. Your houses look really so good, you must have worked hard, well done.

  3. Glad I am not there, or else I would have to huff and puff and try to blow them down!

    Miss you all,
    Mrs Rolls

  4. Hi room 1 like the house"s
    LOVE Luca.

  5. wow very cool i like the three little pigs video.safi
