Thursday, 29 May 2014

 Week 4

It was good fun painting and creating.
We glued on eyes, whiskers, tails and ears. Look at them now :)

When dry we painted colour on our box animals to make them come alive.

First we turned the boxes inside out and taped them up and together with masking tape. Then we painted them white all over - under coat :)

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Divide your pocket money into three jars.

Week 3
A bank person came to talk with us about saving money
We were taught to shop just for what is on the shopping list. Walk quickly past the mini doughnuts, toys and lolly shops. 

We learnt a rhyme . . . 
"Speed to your needs and wait for your wants."

Friday, 23 May 2014

Peru and Miss Mansell!

Hi Room 1! 

Wow, I loved seeing the photos of you!

Your paintings are so cool! I love them! Looks like you are having lots of fun with Mrs Betman! And learning lots too!

Hola Hooping is a fun thing to do! How long can you do it for?

I am having a good time in Peru! Here are some more photos!

Love from Miss Mansell

Look at all these lemons at the market! Lemons here look like limes!

Look how big these pumpkins are!!!

The brown one is an alpaca and the other one is called something else which I can't remember now! I'll have to ask Fern!

Fern and I went to see some old Chanka ruins.

Fern and I!

Me jumping off the cliff! No, not really! Just pretending!

Look at this photo and the next photo! What is growing on top of the walls? Cactus plants! Cactus plants are very spiky! They keep the baddies out! 

Can you see the red fruit on the cactus'? You can eat them!

This is me and Shegui. I bought some big lego blocks for the class. This boy loves playing with them!

Some more boys in my class.

Do you know I have to draw things here! I can't print anything off! Do you like my drawing? Do you know what it is?!

Thursday, 22 May 2014

For fitness we are getting good at hula hooping.
 We are learning to mix colours. Here we are painting with Room 2. Our paint shirts are recycled old school shirts.

Week two. 
We painted pictures of Harold and coloured pictures of Harold in his under water swimming gear.     
We learnt about the air we breathe and how fortunate we are here in New Zealand to have clean air. 

Saturday, 17 May 2014

Hi from Miss Mansell!

Hi Room 1!

I saw some photos of you and Harold! Was it fun having Harold at School? What did he teach you?

What else have you been doing at School? Mrs Betman says you have been doing painting! COOL! Do you know, I learnt the Spanish word for Cool - it is "chebere." I like using it! :D Can you send me some photos of your paintings? I would love to see them!

I will put some more photos up for you to see some other things here in Peru!

I miss you all!

Love from Miss Mansell

One of the houses here in Peru.

Another house. The floor will just be dirt.

Me doing the laundry. In the shed with the yellow roof is where I have a shower. It is sometimes cold and sometimes warm, but never hot! I miss having a hot shower!

This lady is making frog smoothies! See the tank with the frogs in them?

These sandals are special! They are made out of car tyres! They last a long time!

Here is a little boy getting his hair cut at the market! He is at the hairdressers!

Lots of meat for sale at the market! The ground was really muddy because it had been raining!

My classroom! I bought a mat so the children could have "mat time." They've never had mat time before! I had to teach them how to sit on the mat with their legs crossed. Some of them couldn't do it! I wished you were all here so you could've helped me teach the children how to sit on the mat because you all do it so beautifully!

Can you see the blanket tied around the lady's shoulders? Lots of Ladies in Peru have these blankets! They carry everything in these blankets! Food and babies and everthing!

Me with 4 of the kids in my class.

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Term 2, week one, the Life Education van came to our school. The van is painted with colourful pictures. We learnt about needing clean air to stay alive. How we breathe in oxygen. The trees give us oxygen. We breathe out carbon dioxide. It goes to the trees. We loved Harold the giraffe. We even got to pat him on his nose :)

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Hi from Miss Mansell

Hi Room 1! How are you all! I miss you! I am in Peru now. It took me 2 days to get here. I am now in a town called Andahuaylas with my friend, Fern. Here are some photos.

This is me and my friend Fern in Andahuaylas.

Here are some houses in Lima. I stayed one night in Lima. This is the view from the house that I stayed in.

These 3-wheeler motorbike taxis are so common in Peru! They are everywhere! We went in one! You can fit as many people as you want in there!

We went to the supermarket and guess what I saw? Lots of chickens for sale! 

This is looking out from the plane to Andahuaylas.

This is the 5 year old class in Peru. This is the class that I will be teaching. There are 20 children.

This is a pig trying to find some food in amongst all the rubbish that has been left lying around! There is lots of rubbish around. People just chuck it on the ground!